Day Three

Today was relatively quiet and tame. I woke up at 6:30 am and ate breakfast around 7. It's been really nice to actually have time to sit down and eat breakfast with my husband. We ate eggs and turkey bacon. Our usual favorite, although we usually like to eat pork bacon. My husband still has to drive to his work but his drive is only 8 miles so it's really not that bad. I think it's probably good we have some separate work time away from each other.

As usual, it was hard to stay on task today. I found myself jumping from task to task or just being distracted by my phone. I did take two walks today though. One around 11 and another one around 4:30 after my husband got off work.

I keep track of the number of infected and death here where I live, which is in Georgia in the United States. As of this writing we already have 4,748 infected with 154 deaths. The death rates seems to have remained steady at 3%. These numbers are concerning, although I don't quite know why the medical professionals are not placing an emphasis on developing antibody tests. There are number of theories floating out there saying this virus was around in this country since December 2019. An antibody test would enlighten us on whether a person already had already been infected with coronavirus and would likely reduce the number of tests that had to be done.

My goals for this time remain the same. I have to remind myself of them everyday and keep myself busy. The moment that I allow myself to slip into complacency is the moment my mind will slide towards more anxiety and depression. I cannot control the future. I can only control my reaction and action now. I plan to keep up with walking at least 10,000 steps a day, doing 4-5 sessions in my basement gym and eating around 3-4 meals a day with 2 small snacks in between. Establishing a a stable routine is one way I can make myself better. I still need to work on writing down and accomplishing my tasks in a timely manner, but then again that is my eternal struggle, one that I will be working on until the day I die.
